As apart of the annual Mid du lac Encampment session the Ladyslippers of Girl Scouts 58114 enjoyed a fun filled day of activties and an overnight session. We started our day by meeting at Camp Lakmaga at 8:40am.

All girls were instructed to bring both a day bag and an overnight bag. With the following camping list: Full Day packing list: ( will be brought to encampment please have in backpack not overnight bag)
●Brownie vest ●Lightweight backpack or hiking bag ( this is where girls will carry their supplies) ●First aid kits girls earned for safety pins in their bag. If they forget we do have a troop safety kit but girls should always be prepared. ●a spare pair of clothing including, underwear, socks, pants, and a shirt (in the event of an accident, mud, rain or being wet) ●hair ties more than 1 (We will be building a fire for meals girl scouts safety requires girls to have hair back) ●closed toe shoes (no sandals or open toes permitted) ●sweat shirt ● rain boots and rain jacket or rain poncho ●indoor shoes such as tennis shoes muddy rain boots will not be allowed in cabin areas ●sunscreen ●bug spray ●water bottle ●hat or bandana (We will have 3 meals at encampment and snacks provided.) ●gloves and hat if weather is cold ●a grocery bag for any dirty clothing/garbage ●medications should your Brownie require medicine all medication MUST BE in a closed plastic zip bag with your child's name clearly printed on it. All medication MUST be in its original container with doctor's name, dosage, and any instructions clearly labeled. (Unless parent is accompanying child all medications will be given to troop leaders)
Complete Overnight packing:
●pajamas ● clean underwear ●clean socks ● shirt ●pants ●hair brush ●toothbrush and toothpaste ● maximum of 1 lovie/stuffed animal ●maximum of 1 throw blanket ●plastic grocery bag ●1 pillow ●slippers if desired. ●sleeping or yoga mat if desired. ●flashlight ●your troop sleeping bag ●your troop mess kit
Girls are instructed to pack their own bags with the supervision of adults to ensure they are not forgetting items and are given a check list with images to reference. Our planned meals for the day consisted of the following.
●Service Unit provided snack: muffin, crackers/fruit butterfly. Juice/water ●Troop lunch DIY wraps: with turkey, cheese, egg, and lettuce. Gatorade, granola bar, chips ●Service Unit provided Armpit fudge ●Troop Dinner Scanida Pizzeria- Cheese pizzas ●Troop Campfire snack: Nutella Banana Mallow quesadilla wraps ●Breakfast: pancakes, yogurt and fruit.
Once our Ladyslippers gathered we were off to start our day. First was the annual Flag raising ceremony led by older Brownie troops who presented the flag and led us all in the Pledge of Allegiance and the Girl Scout Promise & Law. All troops gather for this event and as we finish we listen for announcements or changes in the schedule. After announcements we are released to our first session which starts at 9:25 am.

As we headed on our way to our very first session we made a pit stop towards a home base where we could drop some of our gear that wasnt needed during our sessions. For our first session we visited the Art center to create seed bombs. Our brownies were able to tour the original lodge of the Art Center and take a look at the many old unique signs that were left by many troops over the years. They then sat down around a large table and were given containers with a spoon full of dirt, biodegradable clay, and were instructed to mix them together. Once the girls had a fairly well mixed ball of clay and dirt they then were given a spoon foll of seeds to begin folding into the ball. The girls had a lot of fun mixing and rolling and some made shapes of hearts and spheres. As they finished up they were set out to dry and we were off to visit our next session for the day.
We packed up what little we had on us and made stops at the bathrooms for a quick break. On our way to the next session the Girl did a follow the leader walk all the way to the Yurt cabins where we met with older girl troop 57764. Our troop has worked with these lovely group of youth in the past and have become sister troops for all connections in relation to older Scouts. For this session we started at 10:15am doing Letterboxing.

Letterboxing is an outdoor hobby that combines elements of orienteering, art, and puzzle solving. Letterboxers hide small, weatherproof boxes in publicly accessible places (like parks) and distribute clues to finding the box. Once you find the box finders make an imprint of the letterbox's stamp in their personal notebook, and leave an impression of their personal signature stamp on the letterbox's "visitors' book" or "logbook". The older Scouts demonstrated how this worked and then worked with our Ladyslippers to carve their very own designs and stamps. Using erasers, pens, and carving tools every girl designed their very own unique stamp. This was something all of the Brownies found exciting and go creative in what they chose to design from simple smiley faces to stars. Then they were off to find Letterboxes following the clues. Like a true scavanger hunt they went from clue to clue until they found the box and marked their own stamp in the book left behind.
Soon after it was time for lunch and we chose to march back to the vehicle for this as our lunch choice was a cold lunch. We used our mess kits and sat down and made our very own wraps. Our lunch was 11:40- 12:20 giving us a nice break to relax eat and clean up. Then it was back to washing hands and onto the third session of the day Nerf Archery. Each girl was shown the different parts of a bow. They were told the rules of ensuring safety while firing a bow. Then each girl was given the opportunity to shoot targets with nerf Archery. Brownies learned The topmost limb is known as the upper limb, while the bottom limb is the lower limb. At the tip of each limb is a nock, which is used to attach the bowstring to the limbs. The riser is usually divided into the grip, which is held by the archer, as well as the arrow rest and the bow window. They were taught how to appropriately hold the bow and place the bow with the correct feather up. Girls struggled at first with pulling the string instead of pulling the arrow guiding the bowstring back. When this would happen they would release and the arrow would fall to the ground and not shoot off anywhere. After some repitition, practice, and a little redirection from instructors they were able to guide the bow string back using the nock of the arrow and off their arrows flew to their targets. The Ladyslippers found this incredible and wanted to do it more and more, but our session went fast with just 30 mins to use for this activity.

For our fourth session of the day we headed back to the Art Center to create May Day baskets t hold our previous made seed bombs. Every Brownie found their dried seed bombs and brought them to a table and first began to wrap them into nice pieces of newspaper with twine wrapped around them. So they then looked like a nice wrapped gift. From there thy were given their favorite colors of construction paper and began coloring and constructing cone shaped baskets with twine handles. They then neatly placed their wrapped seed bombs into the may baskets and were onto making a nice letter. Most of the girls made a card for their Mom to share as a mother's day gift. They drew flowers and wrote poems to place with the basket. When everyone was donw we took our baskets back to our home base to drop with our stuff.
Our fifth session for the day was a set of games and songs led by another older troop 55332. They sang repeat after me songs and played fun games likes red light green light. They played a meet you game by migling with other troops. This was an activity where girls were handed a slip of paper with an animal written on it. Every scout was instructed to make the sounds of that animal given to them and to act like this animal. Then as they made the sounds they had to seek out the other person who had teh same animal as them. They could then say hello share their name and something fun about themselves. With every game the girls ran their energy out and soon they were getting hungry. So as it approached 3pm we headed to a snack break. As our day was winding down and we had finished our activities we were off to have some free time. The one thing the Ladslippers of Girl Scout troop 58114 can never resist is a good game of Gaga ball.

They spent about an hour running and hitting the ball and even invited the leaders in to the arena to be silly and play as well. Gaga is a variant of dodgeball that is played in a gaga "pit". The game combines dodging, striking, running, and jumping, with the objective of being the last person standing. Players hit the ball at each other with their hands, and are eliminated if the ball strikes them on or below the knee. With all the running we figured it was a great time to pack up and head to dinner. For our session we chose to have a special night out at a pizzaria near camp. We ordered pizzas and ice cream and all girls ate to their hearts content.
Once we were full we headed back to camp for one last hike of the evening. This hike had us exploring the far edges of camp, hopping over a creek bed, climbing over fallen trees, and seeing the lake.

We explored nature and then stopped back at our cabin for the evening where we unloaded our gear. From dance parties, movie projectors, stories, and late night snacks the girls each had fun things to do and be a part of in the cabin. They chose their beds set up their beds and got ready for bed. All of the ladyslippers made trips to the bathroom and then by 930pm were into their sleeping bags for the night. The following morning after breakfast we cleaned up and headed to the outdoor auditorium. Girls did role playing skits of how we can be brave and strong when someone is being a bully to a friend. We then hiked down to the low ropes area and girls explored the obstacles left while they waited to be picked up. One by one as the girls left for home they said their goodbyes and headed home till our next meeting.
