Our annual Jeannette Pollay trip was a success. We took the time to rent a 12-passenger van so that we could comfortably travel together as one group. This was a really great decision because not only were girls together throughout the entire trip we also were able to accommodate all of our camp gear.
One thing we wanted to work with the girls on was being a part of the planning process for this trip. For this reason, we traveled with minimum food only having one snack and juice for the ride up to Duluth. As girls were a part of the planning process each Ladyslipoper girl was given the time to pack their own overnight and day bags, they voted on meals we would have at this trip, and we practice rolling our own sleeping bags. So, when it came time to travel to Duluth we had shopping lists ready to go. Our first stop was a rest side stop to use the restroom and have juice and a snack. Once we had this quick break, we were back on the road on our way up to the North shore.

Once we reached Duluth, we found some parking and decided to take our troop on horse carriage rides. We split into two carriages and the girls went on a 20 minute ride around the canal shore. Our troop enjoyed this time and thought it was fun to wave to other people watching us go by. Once we finished, we toured the Maritime Museum where girls could look at all the boats that travel through the harbor. We also were able to see a big barge ship go by which was fun to see the bridge lift and hear the horns. They then traveled up to the pier and explored the shore skipping rocks along the way. It was then time to get onto shopping for our food. We drove up to our cabin to briefly unpack to ensure we would have room for groceries. Once girls had a chance to unload, set up their beds, and have a bathroom break we were back in the van off to the store. We visited the little local market and we split our shopping list into two groups. This shopping list was composed of items needed to create the meals the girls had pre-voted on. They worked with their parents to determine what was needed to make the meal they were assigned, and the shopping list was laid out on what items we would need to make these meals. It was then up to the girls to find the items on the list. We looked at each item and as we found them girls would price compare which was the best quantity for the price. As the girls went around they each took turns finding items and adding them to the cart. Once both teams were done looking for these items we checked out bagged them up and headed back to camp. Girl unloaded their meals and stocked the fridge themselves and were off to run around for free time.

After girls got out their energy, we made it a point to have some reading time before dinner. This was 15 mins of reading to just have some calming time before getting to our dinner duties. Once we were in the role for our very first dinner the girl assigned that meal got to work with prepping all the items needed for that meal while 2 other girls were voted on who would do dishes. The rest of the girls head out to help load firewood and ensure we had dry wood for the weekend. Then we got to building our fire. We shortly after were having our delicious hot dogs and watermelon. The cook leader of the evening told everyone exactly what they needed to do to make their meal and then all girls got to work excited to cook their own food over the fire. Once we were done, we had some coloring time and our two volunteers did dishes. Then it was time for bed and girls were off to changing, restrooms, and brushing teeth. We told a quick story and sang songs before bed and then girls were off to dream land from their long day. With a busy day ahead, they would need a good amount of rest and recharge before their next full scheduled day. While the girls slept, we as leaders took to making sure we had some items prepped and ready and that any missed cleaned up items were put away. Thankfully our troop girls did an excellent job in ensuring the majority of camp was cleaned up, fire was safely out, and dishes were drying and ready for breakfast.

Saturday we spent our morning with our lead meal preparer, fire building, making breakfast, dishes, and getting ready for the day. All the girls took the lead on the roles for making meals, prepping with a little adult support, and supervised dish washing. By 10:30 am we were packed with out day bags and lunch materials and read to get on the road to head out to Goosberry Falls. The drive was nice and uneventful and given we were in a passenger van all girls were able to sit together chat and play games in the car. Once we arrived to Goosberry we used the restroom and toured the Joseph N. Alexander Visitor center. This was a great opportunity for girls to look at Agate rocks they could find and collect as well as look at some of the wild animals they could potentially see while out in the park. We briefly stopped in the gift shop where girls were ablet o get patches and pick out a $10 and under souvenir. One girl chose earrings, another a treasure box, and even one chose a journal. Each souvenir was unique to them and they all found something they wanted.

After putting away our gifts we headed down the to the falls. While we hiked down, they made a choice of if we would look to cross the bridge or visit directly at the falls. All our Ladyslippers wanted to get up close and personal with the waterfalls, so we hiked on down.

Lucky for us the water level was decently low and there was lots of opportunities for the girls to travel across the rocks. The one thing they really seemed to enjoy doing was stepping into the puddles and seeing just how deep they were. Some were much more deep than they appeared. We were well prepared with rain boots and even as some rain appeared we paused to get our rain coats out from our hiking packs and put them on. With much of the mist coming from the falls we did still get a little wet but girls enjoyed the opportunity to get up closed to the falls and to explore across the rocks where normally the water runs through. We were then off to hike back up to the car so we could make our way to our next destination Split Rock Lighthouse. When we got to Split Rock Lighthouse the first thing we did was pause to eat some lunch. We did this in the van because it was misty and quite windy outside. Thankfully, our meal leader had a fairly easy option of sandwiches and fruit. We passed out all the items and ate before putting our plates in our mess kits to be washed upon return to camp. Then it was time for a restroom break and to tour all that Split Rock had to offer. Our first stop was to view one of the houses that families who maintained Split Rock Lighthouse lived in. While the house was small it was certainly cozy with 2 levels. We entered through the kitchen area where a wood stove was running to keep the area warm and we noticed a small pantry closet. Despite how narrow and small it was it held lots of items. Our Ladyslipper Brownies then walked on to the living room area which led up to a stairwell that would show the upstairs bedrooms. Upstairs the girls found 3 small quaint bedrooms and a bathroom with an olden clawfoot tub. They loved looking out to windows and seeing the views and were interested in how simple it was in comparison to their own houses.
We headed down the patio and off to the lighthouse and fog horn building. We split into two groups to make the narrow climb up the tower of the light house. Each girl was brave and enjoyed seeing the big light up close and personal. We then took a pause to get some photos with not only the light house but the great scape of Lake Superior off behind them. As we briefly walked through the fog horn building girls determined they were a bit cold and so we headed inside to the main building to watch the historical video of how Split Rock came to be. As we watched the video we heard accounts of how there once was vast trees and no road to access this point. They learned only boats could get to the location and due to many tragedies of ships sinking a light house was born. They learned how it became one of the most visited Lighthouses in the United States and how its contribution to society saved lives by keeping ships safe. It was neat to see how they delivered materials and hoisted them up the cliff. The girls decided after the movie was over to go visit the shore below and how the materials were hoisted up the cliff.

So, as we traveled down the large stairwell to reach the bottom of the cliff. The girls were instructed to seek out rocks from the north shore to collect and use for a project we would be doing later in the day. They explored the bluffs, and the rock formations down by the water. Seeking out rocks and exploring little pools left behind from the waves crashing by. They found various size rocks some agates and some more river rock style. We got photos of the girls around the water and each girl was having so much fun splashing and exploring nature. Once everyone had the rocks, they wanted to explore we headed back up the path to use the restroom and get back on the road. From there we stopped in Two Harbors for Dairy Queen ice cream. They were given a choice of a dipped cone or a dilly bar. This was a nice little rest stop for us to refresh, enjoy a nice treat, and connect together.
Back at camp we hiked down to the stream to collect more rocks, we had a color run using Holi powder.

Girls played tag with the powder and covered themselves in rainbow powder everywhere. We then practiced bucket bathing teaching each girl how they could bathe if no showers were available. They were able to clean off their face, arms, and legs from our color war. We then washed out cloths and set off to make another amazing dinner. This night we had two Brownies leading dinner meal with both sloppy joes and french bread pizza. these were sure a hit. It was nice to sit down as a group at the end of the day and when dinner was over they cleaned up and did their own dishes. We gathered after dinner to take our collected rocks and we added them to clear jars that we would decorate in the morning with pressed dried flowers. Our next morning was a matter of packing up and making breakfast. Each girl took on chores to ensure everything was put away and cleaned up. They each packed up their own bags and sleeping mats. They then took one last trip down to the stream and we made an effort to take some last second photos as we said goodbye to one of our own. Our final goodbye to one of our Brownies as she is moving this year and this was our final trip with her. Each girl got to give her a hug and we took the time to say how we will miss her and enjoyed our weekend spent with her. As we left we joined the van and headed home for parent pickup. This was another successful trip that girls got to take the lead on the majority of the things we did. We definitely were proud of all their efforts and the fun exploration that we had together.
With another annual trip under the wraps we are excited for two more trips in the fall and are looking forward towards planning our bigger trip. Girls have shown they can definitely plan and lead and will get the opportunity to explore this more as they begin planning
aspects of each of their badges. We look forward to another great season ahead with the Ladyslippers of troop 58114.
